About Us

"I really enjoy the creative process involved; walking into a property and assessing the angles and lighting that will best capture and convey a feel for the space, and the key features of the room. It's like sculpting a work of art, I get to mold the photo from start to finish. I believe in quality over quantity and strive for perfection in my results. Being able to challenge myself with each shoot and constantly learn new things about my craft are what keeps me motivated." Charissa is the proud mother of 3 children with a son serving in the U.S.M.C, and a daughter serving in the U.S. Army.
~Charissa Evens
"I love the architecture and design, each house is uniquely different and inspiring. I am immediately captivated by the light and lines in a space and seek to emphasis and capture their beauty. After years of working in film processing, digital photography and computer processing allows me more control over the outcome of the photo then ever before, there is creativity from beginning to end."
~Debbie Weatherholtz